Improve Driver Retention
++ An effective driver retention program should do more than keeping truck seats full. Activities within the program should develop happier, more productive drivers that become your company's best recruiters. ++
CostDown Consulting is the industry expert on driver retention. The American Trucking Association invited us to present our comprehensive and highly successful driver retention program at three of their national conferences. Our driver retention program has also been presented at several state trucking associations and featured in training videos on Big Truck TV.
Don't be misled by 'single solution' driver retention providers. Driver retention is a lot of work. Reducing turnover requires a consistent and aggressive whole-company approach towards building driver loyalty that includes:
- Specific, assigned retention accountability
- Driver training on your company's driver value-proposition
- Aggressive communication campaign
- Retention solutions that target high turnover driver profiles
- Pay and benefits that reward loyalty and encourage longevity
- Competitive pay and home time
- Respectful treatment and recognition programs
- Individual department focus on unique turnover influences
- Driver Manager training on driver coaching and retention
CostDown Consulting provides the most comprehensive and effective driver retention programs in the trucking industry. We will define your turnover issues and use that analysis to develop a comprehensive and effective driver retention program based on your company's unique operations, issues and resource limitations.
Insight: Failure to recruit existing drivers is a critical retention mistake. Truck drivers are frequently exposed to competitor employment offerings through traditional and social media. They therefore need to be regularly reminded of the unique value your company provides their driver employees.